When you were a kid, did your mother ever remind you not to slouch when you stand and sit? Good posture holds many benefits. But if you have trouble keeping your back in a healthy position, a physical therapist can help set you properly upright.
The office of Motion Dynamics Physical Therapy treats a wide array of movement problems, so you’ll be able to get back to the activities from which your condition is holding you back. If you have posture problems, we’ll customize a program of exercises and stretches that will enhance the strength and flexibility of your core muscles; they’re in your abdomen, pelvic floor and back, and support your spine. Our goal is to give you a neutral, upright spine position, one not bent too forward or too backward.
People of all ages have substandard posture because they have desk jobs, constantly look up and down at their cellphones or spend too much time lounging around. Neck pain, back troubles, poor balance, headaches and breathing difficulties can be frequent consequences.
Here are three more effects of poor posture.
Stress incontinence: Slumping leads to increased pressure on your abdominal muscles, which compresses your bladder and might make you leak urine when you laugh, sneeze, cough or pick up something heavy.
Heartburn and slowed digestion after a meal: Weak posture puts pressure on the abdomen and can make stomach acid spurt up into the esophagus (commonly known as heartburn andacid reflux).
Constipation: No one likes being bloated and sluggish because it’s been too long since they’ve had a bowel movement. Sitting on the toilet with your back hunched and your knees lower than your hips restricts the anus and makes it difficult for your abdominal muscles to promote the passage of stool.
The office of Motion Dynamics Physical Therapy takes your physical therapy as seriously as you do. We give you as much time as you need to answer your questions and discuss treatment options that would offer you the most benefits. We want you to get back to your normal life as much as you do. Please call us today to schedule an appointment.
By Motion Dynamics Physical Therapy
August 30, 2022